Browse company and press announcements plus other media coverage featuring Westchester Modular Homes and our work.
For press inquiries, please email Chris Leslie at or call 800-832-3888.
In the News
Ian and Kristin set a sustainable example with their new modular build, custom-designed with help from Bill Potter of Squash Meadow Construction and designers at Westchester Modular Builders.
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Westchester Modular Homes offers lessons on how to build a profitable business in a tough market segment.
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It sounds simple enough. Build a volumetric modular product, load it on a truck, then put it on a barge and ship it to an island. Highway travel, ocean travel – same difference, right? Not quite. The process of building modular homes on an island does pose additional risks and challenges. Island modular builders assert, however, that the lower cost of building and delivering modular compared to the costs of an island on-site, stick-built home outweigh the difficulties.
Company Announcements
Westchester Modular and Squash Meadows Finalize Home on Martha’s Vineyard